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You’ve built trusted relationships with tech buyers. Help your connections to solve real business challenges and build a passive income.

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Working with over 100+ enterprise accounts

Working with over 100+ enterprise accounts

The traditional model of buying and selling software and services is broken...



Of tech sales people are experiencing burn out.


ÂŁ6 to acquire ÂŁ1 of ARR.


Of sales people are quiet quitting.

Buyers are overwhelmed by too much information from too many suppliers

Tech vendors are frustrated that their messages aren’t converting into sales

...Now there's a better way

How it works...TechGrowth's global community of sales professionals enables software vendors to grow revenue, not headcount.

Opening doors, not more bums on seats.


Share your profile

Share your introducer profile, experience and sector expertise.

Introducer & Vendor Matching

Software matches you to leading tech vendors who have solutions to your connections’ challenges.

Generate passive income

Introduce proven vendors to your contacts, and earn income from meetings that convert into sales.

Stay engaged with your network

Keep active, maintain long standing relationships with your valuable network of trusted connections.


Solve real business problems

Engage with proven vendors with a demonstrable track record of solving real business challenges.


Increase your earnings

You’ve built a black book of connections. Earn a passive income, without compromising your relationships.


Join hundreds of well connected introducers

Our introducers' success speaks volumes.

By signing up with TechGrowth, I’ve got a renewed sense of purpose and can keep engaged with long standing business connections.

Michael L

I’m supplementing my income by introducing companies with proven tech into people I know. We all win.

Simon W

I’ve spent years making introductions without realising the value of my network.

Stuart H

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